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Siemens inverter repair

G120 reported failure of F1910 communication message, how to shield this fault?

Publish Date 2016-11-03
1. Is there any looseness of the DP connector wiring and is the DP cable shield grounded?
2, with or without line reactors, filters?
3. Are shielded cables or shielded 3+3 cables used?
As for the shielding failure, do not always want to shield when there is a failure, but to find a solution.
1, P2110 = 1910, P2101 = 1, can be shielded
  2, P2118[0]=1910, P2119[0]=3, can also be shielded
3, after shielding, if there is a disconnection, the inverter will continue to operate.

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